Welcome to your Member Support Page. Caroline and It’s Time For Me truly value and appreciate you as a member and want your experience to be as easy and as accessible as possible. We hope this page helps you to find the answers to questions you may have about accessing your content, classes, monthly payments or technical issues.
Should you still have any outstanding questions you can contact us directly through the ‘Contact Us’ section below.
As a member of It’s Time For Me there are terms and conditions of your membership that you must adhere to. A copy of these are at the bottom or your page and in the Member Area.

Logging In
1. To Log in go to the Log In page in the main menu.
2. Enter your email or username along with your password.
3. You will be directed to the Welcome page of the website.
4. Go to the main menu and select ‘Member Area’.
5. If it tells you that you are logged out but you know that you are logged in, please just refresh the Member Area page or refresh any page within the Member Area e.g. audios/videos/worksheets/library/classes and you will be able to access it.
Issues accessing the Member Content
1. Once you log in to through the Log In button on the main menu you will then go the Member Area and can select from the content links on that page e.g. audios/videos/worksheets/library/classes.
2. When you are on one of these pages and it tells you that you are not logged in, please wait a few seconds and then refresh the page you are on; and that should rectify any issues you may have.
Forgot Password or Lost Password
1. Go to Log in on the Main Menu
2. Click the ‘Lost Password’ button.
3. Follow the relevant instructions.
Changing Your Password
1. Log in on the Log in page of the main menu with your existing password.
2. To change your password go to ‘Membership Account’ link at the bottom/footer of the page.
2. Enter your log in and select forgot password.
3. Follow the relevant instructions.
1. Where do I access all the content that is part of my subscription?
All the content is available in the Member Area which you can find in the Menu. You must firstly login at the link in the menu and then you can click the member are link in the menu to find your subscription page and content.
2. I am not able to attend a class/event with Caroline at the time and date it is on but I would still like to listen to it at another time. Is this possible?
Absolutely, the beauty of It’s Time For Me is giving you the support to access the content and classes in your own time. All classes are uploaded in audio format within 24 hours and you will be able to access it for 5 days from the following day that class/event was held.
3. How do I get notified about new content and classes/events?
When you login to the member area on your phone a notification pop-up will appear on your page. *Please note you must allow pop-ups from this site to get this notification.
Next, you will select the allow button on this pop-up and you will then be set up to receive notifications on your phone.
When new content is added or a class/event is scheduled a notification will be sent to your phone and you will find these by sliding time the top part of the screen on your phone.
Monthly Payments
1. How do the monthly payments operate?
The date that you registered as a member and set up your subscription is the date of your very first payment.
Your payment will be taken on this date every month for the duration of your time as a member of It’s Time For Me.
Payments are payable in advance of the month.
Payments can be made via credit/debit card and It’s Time For Me uses PayPal Subscriptions to process all payments. It’s Time For Me has no access to your card details or account details.
2. I have missed my monthly payment. What happens now?
Do not worry if you have missed your payment on the date it is due, PayPal will attempt to take your payment again on the 5th day after your original date and if that is also missed it will attempt to take your payment one final time on the 5th day after the second attempt.
If all 3 payment attempts from PayPal fail, at that stage your subscription will cancel automatically.
If your subscription cancels in this way you will need to subscribe again and set up a new payment and register on the website.
3. My card details need to be updated as my card has expired but I do not know how to access PayPal to amend them. What can I do?
When you join It’s Time For Me you will receive an email from PayPal with your monthly subscription details. This email might go into your junk/promotions/spam folders in your email, so please check these. You will have the option through this email to log in and amend your card details. When you log in to your PayPal account go to ‘Payments’ – ‘Approved Payments’ and you will find your subscription details there.
4. I would like to cancel my subscription. How do I do this?
If you would like to take cancel your membership you can do so through paypal by cancelling your subscription payment. Again, details of your subscription payment will be emailed to you from paypal on the date you initially sign up. Please check your promotions/junk/spam mail for this email. When you log in to your PayPal account go to ‘Payments’ – ‘Approved Payments’ and you will find your subscription details there.

1. I would like to contact Caroline or It’s Time For Me. How do I do this?
Caroline and It’s Time For Me always love to hear from you and want to make your experience as enjoyable and as simple as possible.
To help with this, we have created ways in which to contact us.
Contacting Member Support
If you have questions about accessing content, classes, payments, the library or have any technical issues that are not answered above, please email our member support team below:
Contacting Caroline
If you want to reach out to Caroline during working hours to share personal experiences on the month’s topic, personal news or suggestions for new topics, your life story etc. please feel free to email her below:
Caroline is not available for private WhatsApp messages, text messages or phone calls.

1. What are the guidelines of It’s Time For Me and how can I access a list of external supports I might need?
Caroline and It’s Time For Me want every member’s experience to feel safe, comfortable and supported.
A copy of the Pillars of It’s Time For Me; including community guidelines and external supports are available to download below. By being a member of It’s Time For Me you agree to adhere to these guidelines.