Welcome to a lovely new month here at It’s Time For Me where we will be working through our relationships from all angles.
Every relationship and person that comes into our life, comes into it for a reason. Often they can be our greatest teachers; whether they are mirroring back to us what we need to see in ourselves, whether they are here to teach us to love ourselves, whether they are here to inspire and enlighten us or whether they are here to help us receive unconditional love and support. They say that each relationship we experience is part of our destiny and each relationship from acquaintances to our deeper connections will hold something that is important for us to experience in our life.
I wanted us to delve into this topic over the coming weeks so that we can build our relationships on a foundation of:
Love, Balance, Boundaries and Communication.
I feel these elements are really important because not all people and relationships in our life are good for us and a lot of times we also don’t get to experience the depths of true connection and relationships when we don’t know how to give love, receive love, give and take in equal measure, support one another in equal measure, to create healthy boundaries within the relationship and more importantly, communicate so that our relationships can grow and progress.
So this month we will look at all our relationships. The ones that feel so good and how we can nurture, appreciate and connect to even more. The relationships that are strained and difficult; and particularly the ones that we have to have in our life – how do we mind ourselves better in these moments and how do we not be impacted by the difficulties they can bring. We will also look at how we can meet more like-minded people and create meaningful connections and relationships that lighten us, that bring us joy with people who are connected to us on a Soul level. Finally, we will look at those relationships that we know we need to change or let go of altogether; and how to support ourselves in doing that.
I wish you a really lovely month but also my wish is for us all to have more deeper connections and feel the depth of beautiful energy that our relationships can bring.
Caroline x

You can listen below to a short audio on what this month will bring.

Take a moment now to read the questions above. Close your eyes, sit back and allow the answers from within rise up.

Every week I send you, by text message, two bite sized audio insights to help you on your path and to discover and understand more about the topic we are working through. When you receive your texts during the week, you can come here and find the teaching under that day’s date.
24th November 2022 – Your actions now affect where you’ll be in 10 years time.
18th November 2022 – Reflecting on who you are in relationships
17th November 2022 – When things go wrong
11th November 2022 – Place your boundaries little by little
8th November 2022 – Resetting Boundaries in all Relationships is Possible
4th November 2022 – Communication & Strained Relationships
Click below to listen to today’s teaching.
2nd November 2022 – Like-minded people
Click below to listen to and enjoy today’s teaching.
28th October 2022 – Relationship Energies
Click below to listen to today’s teaching.
26th October 2022 – The Impact of Your Relationships
Click below to listen to today’s teaching.
21st October 2022 ~ How are your relationships?
Click below to listen to our first teaching of this month.

I hope you enjoy this month’s intuitive guidance through a mini reading.
I will create 3 bundles of cards for you to choose from and I will send you the link to access these via WhatsApp on 1st November 2022.

I hope you enjoy this month’s reflection and gentle guided meditation to help you relax and heal.
The Wild Flowers – Guided Meditation
Positive Relationship – Reflection

I hope you enjoy Your Journal this month and helps support you through the teachings I will send you and the emotions and thoughts that you bring awareness to.
To download your journal, please click the Download button below:

I am excited for us to join together for a beautiful Monthly Gathering on Wednesday 9th November at 8.30pm.
This will be a night to connect together and nurture our own relationship(s) here as part of our little community.
Wear something cosy and comfortable for One Hour of Meditation & Journaling.
Please let me know if you can make this class and Zoom details for joining are below.
Topic: November Monthly Gathering ITFM
Time: Nov 9, 2022 08:30 PM Dublin
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 4951 9493

I am delighted to bring you another Masterclass that I feel will be helpful to many of you.
Creating & Building Your Business: Thursday 17th November at 8pm.
This Masterclass is to support you if you have a business idea, are starting your new business or have a business and are ready to take it to the next level.
I will share my experience of running a business for the past 14 years, touch on many of the wonderful things I learned from my Postgraduate in Innovation & Entrepreneurship (UCD) that I completed in 2018 and delve into how to have a business that is aligned to your true self, your passions, purpose, values and personal message.
This night will blend the practical elements of running a business with the personal aspects and uniqueness you bring to your business.
Please let me know if you wish to attend this Masterclass and the Zoom details are below to join on the night.
Topic: Creating & Building Your Business: Masterclass
Time: Nov 17, 2022 08:00 PM Dublin
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 838 6804 0707