
26th November 2018 – Finding Your Inner Peace

Welcome to this week’s new topic and I can’t wait to get started. Click below to listen to today’s audio.

25th November 2018 – Simplistic Sunday & Relationships

Enjoy today’s audio teaching below.

22nd November 2018 – Boundaries

Enjoy this audio today by clicking below to listen.


21st November 2018 – How do you Wish it to Be?

I really hope you are enjoying this week’s topic.  Click below to listen.



19th November 2018 – How are your Relationships?

Click below to listen to and enjoy today’s teaching.


9th November 2018 –  Your Next Steps to Growth

Click below to enjoy today’s teaching.

8th November 2018 – Your Past Can Shape Your Future……Positively

Click below to listen to and enjoy today’s teaching.



7th November 2018 – Washing Away Negativity that May be Holding You Back

Click below to listen to this cleansing meditation.

6th November 2018 – Embrace Failure or Fear Failure?

I hope you enjoy Day 2 of this week’s theme ‘Creating a Growth Mindset’. Click below to listen.

5th November 2018 – Create a Mindset for Growth

I really hope you enjoy this week’s teachings and to listen to today’s audio, please click below and enjoy.

2nd November 2018 – Mantra Meditation

As you work on increasing your self belief, you can now take the affirmations that you created yesterday and add them into the meditation below.  Click to listen and enjoy

31st October 2018 – Exhale & Release Meditation

I hope you enjoy today’s meditation.  Please click below to listen.

30th October 2018 – Gentle Ways to Begin Increasing Your Self-Belief

This week we are covering Self-Belief and Self-Esteem and I hope today’s audio teaching will help you begin a gentle, yet effective, process to increase how good you feel in yourself and about yourself.

Click below to listen.


28th October 2018 – Self-Care Meditation for Simplistic Sunday

Wishing you a relaxing Sunday and I hope this Meditation will help you to unwind.  Click below to listen and enjoy   











26th October 2018 – Gratitude Uplifts

Happy Friday.  Click below to listen to and enjoy today’s teaching.


25th October 2018 – Meditate to Create

I really hope you enjoy today’s lovely meditation. Click below to listen.


24th October 2018 – You Have Achieved So Much

Enjoy today’s teaching below and have a lovely Wednesday.  Click below to listen.


22nd October 2018 – Understanding How You are Feeling

I really hope you enjoy today’s teaching and get to the core of why you are feeling how you are feeling now.  Click below to listen.


21st October 2018 – Simplistic Sunday

I hope you really enjoy this final part of the Loving Kindness Meditation.  You can click below to listen and enjoy 

19th October 2018  – Continuing Loving Kindness

I really hope you enjoy this second part of this three part Loving Kindness Meditation series.  Please click below to listen.

18th October 2018 – Loving Kindness

I am re-sharing this beautiful three part Meditation I recorded earlier this year as it really helps to focus on kindness towards yourself, others and the world at large. I hope you enjoy this first part below.

16th October 2018 – The Present Moment

I hope you enjoy today’s daily teaching.  Click below to listen and enjoy.

15th October 2018 – Exhale and Release

Welcome to a brand new week and all this week we will be practicing mindfulness techniques to help us during our busy day.  To get started enjoy today’s guided meditation below.

4th October to 14th October – These teachings were all text only. 


3rd October 2018 – Saying Yes When You Do Not Want To & Making It Enjoyable

Click below to listen to today’s teaching.



2nd October 2018 – Saying No & Having Boundaries

Click below to listen to today’s audio teaching.  I hope you enjoy 🙂

30th September 2018 – Ground & Connect to the Earth (Meditation)

Ground yourself through this beautiful meditation.  Click below to listen.

27th September 2018 – Be Gentle on Yourself & You Will Progress Stronger and Faster

Click below to listen to today’s teaching.

26th September 2018 – Meditate and Expand

Click below to listen to today’s meditation.

25th September 2018 – Creating Progressive Habits

Click below to listen to today’s audio teaching.


24th September 2018 – Staying Upbeat in the Winter Months

Click below to enjoy today’s audio teaching.


21st September 2018 – Release it Back to the Light

I really hope you enjoy today’s teaching as it is a powerful exercise to help you release that which no longer serves you. Have a beautiful day x


18th September 2018 – What Brings me Closer or What Brings me Further Away?

Happy Tuesday and I hope you enjoy today’s teaching….I feel this is a great week to get aligned to what is truly right for you.

Click below to listen.

17th September 2018 – Simplify Your Life

I really hope you enjoy today’s teaching and have a lovely Monday.

Click below to listen.

13th September 2018 – Stress is Guaranteed but can be Eased

Click below to listen to today’s teaching and I hope you enjoy it.



12th September 2018 – Calming Meditation

You can listen to today’s meditation to help you relax by clicking below.

11th September 2018 – From Anxiety to Calm

I really hope you enjoy today’s teaching and you can click below to listen.


5th September 2018 – Acceptance Meditation


Click below to enjoy and listen to this beautiful meditation.

4th September 2018 – Accept Your Imperfections.


Click below to listen to today’s teaching.



3rd September 2018 – Self-Acceptance


Click below to listen to today’s teaching.

30th August 2018 – Connect with Heart and Gut

Click below to listen to today’s teaching.


29th August 2018 – Meditate and Manifest

Click below for today’s meditation.



28th August 2018 – Learning Personal Lessons

Click below to listen to today’s teaching.


27th August – 2018 – Celebrate Your Achievements

Click under the image below to enjoy and listen.

25th August 2018 – The Balloon Meditation

Click below to enjoy todays teaching.



24th  August 2018 – Reflect and Renew


Enjoy today’s lovely teaching. Click below to listen.




23rd August 2018 – Release Control Meditation

Click below to enjoy today’s gentle meditation.

21st August 2018 – let go of control

I hope you enjoy today’s video and the accompanying worksheet.  Click below to watch and read.

Letting Go of Control Worksheet (Click to open)


19th august 2018 – journalling your Way to a peaceful week (simplistic sunday)

Wishing you a lovely Sunday and enjoy today’s teaching. Click below to listen.

18th August 2018 – 5 to 1 mindfulness
enjoy toDAY’s teaching to help you clear the mind. Click below to listen.

16th august 2018 – peace of mind
Enjoy todaY’s very gentle and relaxing guided meditation. Click below to Listen.


15th august 2018 – heal your overthinking
I hope you really enjoy today’s video and underneath the video you will find an accompanying workbook to help you.
click to open your workbook: Overthinking Worksheet

14th August  2018 – overthinking
I really enjoyed covering this topic and i hope you enjoy today’s audio and all the teachings this week. Click below to listen.

13th August 2018 – all for you
Happy Monday and enjoy today’s TEACHING by clicking below.
12th  August  2018 -simplistic Sunday 


Enjoy today’s teaching on listening to and more importantly, trusting your gut feeling. Click below to listen.

11th August 2018 – relax
I hope you enjoy today’s meditation. Click below to listen
9th august 2018 – feel & think your way to great things

I really hope you enjoy today’s audio.  It is 15 minutes but offers a teaching on a wonderful process I learned back in 2011.  I hope you get great results from it.  You can click below to listen.

7th august 2018 – the subconscious mind & the art of alLowing

This week we are focusing on how to tap into our subconscious mind through our conscious mind, as well as focusing on how to allow.  You may think you are allowing all you want to flow into your life…but have a think about this more after you watch today’s video.  I hope you enjoy 

6th august 2018 – relax & breathe

Wishing you a lovely Monday and as you begin a new week, I hope you really enjoy today’s meditation.

Click below to listen 



Wishing you a lovely Thursday and enjoy today’s visualisation and breathing exercise.  This is a slightly different format to my normal visualisations but I feel this will help you connect more deeply to yourself. Have a beautiful day

Click below to listen.


1st August 2018 ~ Consistency Video and Worksheet

I really hope you enjoy today’s worksheet and video which will help you look deeper into consistency in your life and give you an opportunity to delve into your subconscious mind.  I really encourage you to take time to do the worksheet as journalling and writing is really beneficial when trying to look at something from a new perspective.


Accompanying Worksheet: Consistency Worksheet


31st July 2018
Happy Tuesday and i hope you enjoy today’s audio teAChing delving deeper into how to developing a practice of consistency. Click below to enjoy.




30th July 2018

Happy Monday and I’ve a great week lined up for you as we focus on consistency. Enjoy today’s 5 minute audio as you focus on where you need more consistency in your life. Click below to listen.


27th July 2018

Wishing you a lovely Friday and I hope you enjoy this really gentle and relaxing meditation. Also it’s interactive Friday so please do text me if you’ve any questions on anything you’d like to ask about judgement.



26th July 2018 – Freedom from Judgement

I really hope you enjoy today’s audio which delves into judgement deeper to allow you to feel more content and free. Please also enjoy the worksheet below to accompany today’s audio, which will help you with today’s and yesterday’s exercises. I hope you enjoy 🙂  Click below for the worksheet and the audio.

Free Yourself from Judgement – Worksheet



25th July 2018

Enjoy today’s audio which focuses on judgement and a quick exercise to do which is a powerful way to recognise how judging others can relate to your own need for healing.  Click below to listen ♡



15th July 2018

Enjoy today’s audio as you prepare for a lovely week ahead. Click below to listen.


14th July 2018

Enjoy today’s really peaceful meditation. Click below to listen


13th July 2018

Happy Friday and today it’s interactive Friday. Click below to listen to a few mins of audio and text me when you like anytime today 🙂


12th July 2018

I hope you enjoy today’s audio to help you delve deeper into how to get out of your comfort zone. Enjoy the audio below.



11th July 2018

Enjoy today’s gentle meditation. Click below to listen.




10th July 2018

I am really excited about this week’s theme – Stepping Outside of Your Comfort Zone.  Today I bring you 3 gentle ways to help you start on your path to moving away from fear and moving towards your dreams and desires.  All this week we will focus on this through audio teachings and meditations.

Enjoy today’s video below 🙂

8th July 2018

Have a lovely Sunday and I hope you enjoy today’s teaching as a new way of preparing for your week ahead. click below to listen.


7th July 2018

Wishing you a lovely Saturday as we focus on following our joy and receiving great things in our life .  Click below to listen and enjoy.




6th July 2018

Wishing you a great Friday! Enjoy today’s new interactive teaching.

Listen below to find out more ♡


5th July 2018

Enjoy this beautiful meditation helping you cleanse and release more from both your body and mind. Click below to listen.




4th July 2018

As we reach the half way mark of this  week I hope the teachings  have been beneficial in helping you release negative energy from your body and mind. Enjoy today’s short audio on dissolving negativity from many areas of your life. You can click below to listen.


3rd July 2018

I hope you enjoy today’s gentle meditation and it helps you cleanse any negative energy in your system. Click below to listen.





2nd July 2018

As we begin a week focusing on ways we can wash away negativity from our energy after experiencing stress, being around draining people or just overwhelmed with the normal busyness of life, enjoy today’s video which looks at 3 practical ways that you can do this.

We will delve further into this all week but in the meantime, enjoy today’s video 🙂




1st July 2018

Wishing you a lovely Sunday and in this week’s instalment of Simplistic Sunday I help you look at 4 quick ways to help you have a calmer week. Click below to listen to this 3.5 minute audio ♡


30th June 2018

Wishing you a lovely weekend and I really hope you enjoy today’s meditation to help you breathe and feel protected. Click below to listen and enjoy.

29th June 2018

Enjoy today’s 3.5 minute audio to help you find what helps you have a ‘zen’ moment. Click below to listen.



28th June 2018

Enjoy a beautiful meditation today. click below to listen ♡

27th June 2018

Happy Wednesday. Wishing you a lovely day and enjoy today’s video introducing you to some new changes as well as a teaching on this week’s theme: Connecting Inwards.





21st June 2018 – As you focus on your body, it’s power to heal and offering gratitude & positive focus towards the body enjoy some beautiful affirmations you could repeat daily.


19th June 2018 – Enjoy a gentle meditation to help you focus on revitalising and healing the body. Click below to listen.




17th June 2018 – Enjoy this 4.5 minute teaching on minding your body and physical wellbeing as you prepare for the week ahead. Click below to listen to this week’s Simplistic Sunday’s teaching.



13th June – Expansion Meditation….take a gentle journey through calm waters in this meditation.

Click below to listen and enjoy.




11th June – Enjoy today’s 7 minute audio teaching which will help you understand and use the vibrational and emotional energy chart below, from yesterday’s teaching.





10th June 2018 – Take a look at the chart below and see where you are emotionally right now. Take a note of this for tomorrow when I explain more in depth. 



8th June 2018 – Enjoy the last teaching on abundance and prosperity. I wish you a very Happy Friday and a lovely weekend.











7th June 2018 – Enjoy today’s teaching on the abundance the universe has to offer you. Click below to listen and enjoy.









5th June 2018 ~ Prosperity Meditation: Click below to listen and enjoy.





Enjoy today’s Simple Sunday teaching by clicking below to listen.




I really hope you enjoy today’s meditation which you can listen to below 🙂






Following on from the last two days of teachings these short (only a few mins) audio teaching expands more on the topic of surrender.  You can listen by clicking below. Enjoy your Wednesday 🙂





Today’s teaching delves very deep into this energy of surrender. What it really means to surrender, how you can stop trying to be in control and much more. I really hope you enjoy this. It’s a longer teaching than normal.










Welcome to a new series this week about surrendering and letting go. One of the hardest things to do especially when you are worried, fearful or want a particular outcome. Today’s 2 min audio will help you start the process of surrendering and accepting. Click below to listen.






Enjoy this week’s Simple Sunday  teaching. Listen below and I really hope you enjoy.




Today’s final teaching focuses on how to look forward to every day and that your future is now. Enjoy by clicking below.





Welcome to Day 2 of the Expecting the Best mini series. You can listen below.





Wishing you a lovely Wednesday and today I am starting a 3 Day series on expecting the best from life and not the worst from life. I hope you enjoy it. Please click below to listen.










♡♡♡ Beautiful Pink Light Meditation ♡♡♡

Enjoy today’s beautiful and calming meditation to help you feel protected and surrounded by the good in life. You can listen below.





Enjoy today’s lovely Simple Sunday teaching focusing on your 9 core emotional needs. You can listen by clicking below.




Happy Wednesday. To enjoy today’s lovely 5 minute meditation please click below to listen.




Enjoy today’s audio to help you have a more peaceful week ahead

Click below to listen.




I really hope you’ve enjoyed this mini meditation series and today we reach the final day with a really powerful meditation which I hope you find beneficial. Click below to listen.








Day two’s meditation is all about connecting to your higher voice and to listen to your own gut feeling. Really hope you enjoy. Click below to listen





I am really excited to bring you a 3 Day Meditation process to help you connect inward to be your best self, hear your own guidance to create your dreams and to heal and reconnect relationships in your life.

Enjoy Day 1 by clicking below ♡




I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday and that today’s teaching helps you with creating good boundaries and protecting yourself from negative people and energy. Click below to listen.






How much fun and playtime are you having in life right now to help bring you more joyful energy. Today’s audio looks at small ways you can have playtime at least once a week but even more if you wish 🙂

Click below to listen.



Have a lovely Friday and I hope today’s audio teaching can help you overcome and heal any guilt you may feel.







All this week through my teachings on accountability, I have really wanted to focus your mind more on self-compassion and self-forgiveness because once those are in balance or close to being in balance you will progress and keep yourself accountable in healthy and gentle way.  Continuing with this theme I have recorded a 4 minute mindfulness exercise, which I feel will be very beneficial to you.

I hope you enjoy it and you can click below to listen.



Today I would love to take you away to a peaceful place from wherever your sitting or standing right now. 5 mins of beauty and peace through today’s gentle meditation. Click below to listen.






I hope today’s teaching really helps you to be more compassionate with yourself. Click below to listen.





Wishing you a fantastic Monday as we reach the last day of April and what a wonderful time to focus on self compassion, to stop beating yourself up and move towards holding yourself accountable in a gentle and non pressurised way. Click below to listen.




The power of intention and affirmations can have a profound effect on your life. Today in the simple Sunday series I speak about how to bring these into your week ahead so you can kick start the week with positive focus.  click below to listen.





It’s a good idea to regularly review where you are with your goals to see how you’re getting on. Today’s audio may help you with this.



Happy Friday. Today’s audio has a little 2.5 minute exercise to connect inward, in a practical way. click below to listen:



Wishing you a lovely Thursday and let’s make today a thankful Thursday by going back to basics and enjoying and offering gratitude for the good in your life.  Think of 10 things right now that you’re grateful for. Don’t stop until you have the 10 things.






I really hope you enjoy today’s meditation which aims to connect you with yourself and how you would like to focus on your self-care. Have a wonderful Wednesday xx




You are resilient and so strong because you have overcome a lot in your life already.  How often do you recognise that? Today’s audio teaching is to get you to focus on your coping strategies and how to respond to stress and difficult situations in an easier way. I hope you enjoy this 3.5 minute teaching 



20.04.2018 to 23.04.2018

All teachings were via text only on these days.



Happy Thursday to you. Today I wanted to help you focus on surrendering. To let go of pushing and do more things with ease. I hope you enjoy it. Click below to listen.




Wishing you a lovely Wednesday. I recorded a video last year about how to blend the spiritual with the practical in your life every day. I hope you enjoy it ♡





I hope you had a lovely weekend and listened to yesterday’s teaching to help you with your week ahead ?


Today I would love you to start off by focusing in on something I talk about a lot which is gratitude.

You can use these to help:

The family member I would like to offer gratitude for is……

The part of my work that I am grateful for is…..

The one thing I am grateful for from the weekend is…..


I’m excited to bring you Simplistic Sundays aiming to help you have an easier week by preparing ahead for the things within your control.  You can have enough unexpected stress so it can be a good idea to prepare and control the controllables.  Listen below ♡


Wishing you a lovely Saturday. Well done on finishing a week of positive mindset teachings. Today I would love for you to do three things.


1. Set one big goal for yourself. Set a timeline you would like to achieve the goal within. Text or email what this goal is and I will keep a record of it and check in every month to see your progress and give you words of encouragement.

2. Write out or think about what one big takeaway you took from this week’s teachings.

3. What one change are you will to make to focus more positively? You can email me this too.



I really hope you enjoy this beautiful meditation connecting to your heart and your deeper self. click below to listen ♡



Well done and getting to half way through this week of creating and maintaining a positive mindset. Today I am excited to bring you an audio teaching with 5 ways to help yourself and your mindset. I hope you enjoy it 🙂



Wishing you a lovely Tuesday as you continue to focus positively on where you’re going in life and how to sustain positive focus even in times of stress. Today’s audio teaching aims to help you look at how you’re thinking at this time. You can click below to listen:




Happy Monday!! I’m really excited to help you put a lot of positive focus into yourself and your life this week and to start creating some wonderful things. Listen below :


Well done on completing this week’s teachings on your habits. It’s not easy to look at things that need to be changed and to lighten up the energy, from Monday I will be doing a week of self-appreciation. I really hope you enjoy it.

Today, I would like you to prepare for the week by writing out a list of what things generally cause you stress in a week.  Is it time limitations? Is it overwhelm? Is it disorganisation? Whatever it is take note of it and open your awareness to it. I would also like you to then email or text me and let me know because every Sunday I’ll be starting a new teaching to help you before the week begins xxx


Happy Friday and today I’ve an unusual gratitude exercise for you to do.

Think of the habits you have that are not good for you. Then ask yourself what lesson you can take from each bad habit and next, offer gratitude for all the lessons you’ve learnt.

Have a lovely day xxx



Wishing you a beautiful day and I hope you really enjoy this very peaceful visualisation to help you expand your life. Listen below ♡


I’m excited to help you work with your habits in an effort to replace them, without the pressure of beating yourself up and feeling bad for the habits you have, which are limiting you in life. Listen below for today’s audio lesson.


HAppy Monday to you. start the week by getting clear on what habits you are creatIng in your life..Good and bad. Listen below to today’s audio



I hope today’s teaching will help you to remember how wonderful you are and to uplift you. Click to listen to this 3 minute audio below.


I hope your week is going well and as always it’s great to focus on the positive in life. So today I’ve specific questions on what you’re grateful for. Hope you enjoy answering them.

The person in my  life I am most grateful for is ……

The best part of me that I am most grateful for is ……

The life lesson I am most grateful for is ……

The one thing I am grateful for from this week so far is ……



To feel clear in both body and mind it can be very beneficial to become aware of how you are feeding them every day…from the more obvious things like food and drink intake to more subtle things like what your reading, listening to or watching. Click below to listen to today’s audio to help you with this topic.


Happy Monday and to help you begin your week ahead from a place of calm and peacefulness I have created a visualisation and meditation to help you with this. I hope you enjoy. Click below to listen.


24th and 25th March were interactive teachings with my via text.


It’s Friday and I thought to give you a little Friday motivation through a video I saw on YouTube…enjoy it. Take time this weekend to bring some play and light hearted energy into your life ??



Two weeks ago I gave you a week of teachings to help you refocus on your goals and to align to what is true and right for you through living consciously.  Today, I would like you to check in with how you are getting on with your goals.  I have some lovely gentle advice in the image below to help you and what things you could focus on while thinking of your goals.  It is only 1.5 weeks since you may have started the goal setting process but it is important to check in and evaluate where you are. Best of Luck 🙂



Happy Wednesday! Today, I would like you to take time to check in with yourself and ask yourself how you are feeling emotionally and also how you are feeling within your body.  It is important to do this daily, if you can but at least once a week at a minimum.  Take the time now as you read this to ask yourself these questions:

  1. How am I truly feeling in my body and mind?
  2. Am I stressed and if so, why?
  3. Do I feel upbeat…if so, how can I keep this feeling?
  4. What is worrying me?
  5. What do I need to do to bring me closer to where I want to go in life?

Have a lovely day!

Caroline xx


How often have you held yourself back, allowed someone to treat you badly over and over again or even made a mistake? How often have you beaten yourself up for any of these things and found that life started becoming stagnant or more stressful? There’s a link between all of these things and self-forgiveness could be the key to setting you free. Click below to listen to today’s teaching.


Today you will have seen through your text message that there is nothing to listen to or read…it is a day for personal reflection.  Full details have been sent to you in your text message.


Welcome to day 2 of a beautiful practice I wanted to share with you and I hope you really benefit from it and the audio I recorded for you.  While recording I was sitting in the position I suggest and did the process in my own mind with my own mantra, to bring clear and focused energy to the recording. I hope you enjoy this and take it forward with you as a daily practice. You can listen by clicking below.



Today starts a 2 day practice. Mantras are very powerful when you introduce them into your meditation practice where you embed it within your body, mind and soul through focus and intention. Today, choose a mantra and tomorrow I will have a meditation where you can introduce your mantra into it. I have some examples of mantras below but do make your own too.





Today I would love you to evaluate and think about how your week has affected you in good and bad ways and what you can learn from this.

Click to listen to a 4.5 minute audio below to help you:


Continuing with a more gentle and easy week with the teachings after last week’s very proactive and full on week, let’s call today Thankful Thursday.  As you read this take a few moments to go on a rampage of gratitude.  Think of as many things as possible that you are grateful in your life right now and grateful for what you can see around you.  Have a lovey Thursday. Caroline x


Today let’s call it Watchful Wednesday. A simple exercise to help you be aware of what your thoughts are. You have tens of thousands of thoughts everyday all flying through your head and a lot of times you may not even be aware of what they are. Today I encourage you to watch your thoughts. If something is negative, ask yourself why? Catch the thought and investigate it. Your thoughts do in fact create your emotions so use this as an opportunity to get to the core of what’s going on within you. Best of luck 🙂


Today’s teaching is just to help you think about self care on a more deep level. I’ve recorded an audio and just ponder on its contents throughout the day. It’s a longer audio and 10 mins long. Click to listen below. Thanks.



As you begin a new week, it is good to start off on a positive footing and go forward through the week with positive focus. To help you with this I would like you to think of 5 things you are grateful for right now.

Focusing on the good can make you feel good and feeling good can help bring more good into your life.


As we reach the end of the week and weekend, it can be the perfect time to ground yourself and recentre. Enjoy this Sunday Meditation to help. Listen below:



Welcome to Self-Care Saturday! I would like you to take a moment as you read this to think about one area of your life you may be lacking self care. This could be in your relationships, your health, your finances, your emotional self etc…

Ask yourself why you might not be minding yourself properly in that area.

Then, finally ask yourself what one small act of Self-Care can you do today to help you.

Caroline x

Also, if you have more time you can do the Self Care Bundle  (podcast, workbook, teachings and meditation) over at


Well done on making it to the end of the special focus we had this week on our goals and living intentionally and consciously. As we finish off the week enjoy this gentle visualisation ♡

Click below to listen:


Today’s teaching goes deep into how our minds work and the thoughts and beliefs that are holding us back. We might not even realise what these are and how they affect us. Click to listen and I hope you enjoy.



Wishing you a really great today and as we reach day 4 of this week’s living consciously and going for our dreams I am excited to help you today to break your goals into really achievable small steps so you’ll feel like you’re progressing every single week! If you’re just starting today go back to Sunday to Tuesday’s teachings for a quick listen to catch up.

Enjoy today’s teaching by listening below:


Happy Tuesday and I’m really excited to bring you a uplifting teaching today. Very upbeat and even more than usual to help you on your path to achieving all your dreams. If you haven’t listened to Sunday and Monday’s teachings, you will need to before you begin today’s one.

Click to listen to this motivating audio:


Happy Monday and all this week I am here to help you live consciously, on purpose and with intent. To refocus and get clear on what your goals are, as well as giving you the practical, simple and very effective ways of doing this. Today you will start off with figuring out where you are right now in your life.

This 8 minute audio teaching will help get you started and you’ll also use the Wheel of Life (image below) after listening. Here’s to a great & proactive week!


Your wheel of life

Listen to the audio teaching above before using.


I am very excited to bring you today’s teaching as it may help you to align to living consciously and on purpose everyday and to balance the routine of life with going for all your dreams and goals. Also, all this week I will be helping you as your personal life coach to get clarity on where your life is now, what dreams you have and how you can start making changes to get you to achieve those dreams. A practical, motivating and exciting week ahead.

Click to listen to this Conscious Living Audio below:



It’s completely normal to feel things getting on top of you or to have worries. When this happens it’s nice to feel that all will be well. Today’s audio meditation aims to help you focus and remember that all really is well and will be well. I hope it helps you.

Click below to listen


A new month and another great new energy starting. What have you been procrastinating about? What have you been fearful of? What things would you like to achieve this month? Go for your dreams and goals this month. You can do it!

We are kicking off March and like every new month its a chance for change.  So today, take a moment to focus on what you’d like to achieve this month and remember…..




Welcome to today’s teaching. A quick read on 3 Ways to Increase Your Confidence.

At some points in life you may get a knock to your confidence in different situations, you may struggle with confidence in yourself in general or you may have a situation approaching that your nervous of and this is affecting your confidence.

These 3 things may help:

1. Write out or make a mental note of all of your achievements and talents. Focus on how good you truly are and read this in times your confidence may be knocked.

2. Watch your thoughts. It’s absolutely okay and important to have negative thoughts but if you’re focusing on them all the time, it’s important to know this will keep you stuck and make you feel even worse. Gently begin to refocus on the better things in life and in yourself.

3. Be prepared. If you’ve a difficult situation coming up that you’re nervous about. A meeting, an interview, a pitch….all the way to a conversation with someone who is causing you an issue or difficulties. Go prepared. Whether that’s research, perfecting your speech or focusing on the points you want to get across. Practice. This way you know you’re going into the situation on a good footing.

Have a confident day!

Caroline x



It’s Thankful Tuesday again! Today’s teaching is slightly different because I’m talking about being grateful for the difficult things in life and how to do this. In our darker moments and harder times gratitude can actually lift you gently from this. I hope you find this very beneficial today ♡

Click to listen below:


I really hope you enjoy today’s Loving Kindness Meditation. The final loving kindness meditation in this practice which we’ve enjoyed over the last 3 weeks. Have a beautiful day x


Today, is a day of simplicity and joy. No audio to listen to or video to watch. As you read this just take a few moments to reflect on how you can make your day and your week joyful. Look for the joy and create joy. Focus on the good and appreciate the good. Set an intention to do so and follow that intention. Happy Saturday x


Allow yourself some time for real self-care, rest and nurturing this weekend. Don’t worry you don’t needs lots of time to do this, you can integrate it into your daily life simply. Click today’s link to help you with this. Enjoy ♡


The end of the week is approaching and I’ve recorded a really quick audio on how to re-energise yourself if you’re feeling tired, had a long week or just want to feel a little more upbeat. Enjoy by clicking below to listen.


A mindful life….a peaceful mind. Today’s exercise is simple and aims to connect you to the present moment. Mindful living can be done in an instant and today you can begin that practice in many ways.

Mindful showering: as you shower feel the water hit your skin and connect to what is happening. What temperature is the water? How does it feel? Feel into your feet touching the base of the shower. Notice all feelings and sensations. Congratulations, you will have connected to the present moment

Mindful walking: with each step you take, take a moment to connect to what you’re doing. Feel each step from the base of the heel of your foot to your toes reaching the ground. How does it feel? What speed are you walking? How does the ground feel? Again, you’ll be living right in the present moment.

Mindful eating: as you eat, connect into the present moment with each bite you take of your food. Taste the food by eating slowly and noticing the textures. Allow yourself to fully enjoy and savour it.

Some small steps in normal daily activities but an opportunity to still the mind and connect to what you are doing. Mindful living….peaceful mind.


Take a few moments for a very simple and quick exercise to do today…offering gratitude for all the good you have in your life.  Think of 10 things that you are grateful for.  This is a lovely practice to do everyday and you can do it any time, any where.  Have a beautiful day.



As you begin another new week, I have recorded a beautiful and gentle 5 minute Loving Kindness Meditation/Practice for you. This expands on the loving kindness meditation from last Monday, which you can listen back to.  Take 5 minutes to focus on increasing your self-compassion and also sending that compassion to someone you love and care about. Enjoy 



Wishing you a beautiful Sunday.  In today’s daily teaching I am focusing on the the area of emotional triggers. How to understand and recognise yours with the aim of stopping recurring patterns and ultimately, for you to feel more at peace. I really hope this helps you in some way.



Today is an opportunity to start afresh and create more uplifting energy in your life through positive focus. No matter what may be happening for you now or where you are in life it could be a lovely idea to pivot your energy. I hope you enjoy today’s audio teaching on positive focus.




As you focus on your breathing you can utilise this time to bring your attention back into the present moment.  In this moment you can focus on exhaling and releasing any stress or tension from the body or mind.  Enjoy this 4.5 minute guided meditation to help you with this. Have a beautiful Friday.

Click below to listen


Let’s lighten the energy today and recognise and cultivate more joy in your life.

There is joy all around you….but do you notice it?


Right now, look around and notice three things that make you feel joyful.  

e.g. it could be your comfortable seat, a warm bus, a nice sunshine (even on a cold day).


Next, I would like you to think of three things that are joyful in your life.

e.g. a nice relationship, a good job, a cosy home, a beautiful pet.


Focus on the joy around you and focus on the joy you already have in your life.  This will only take a few minutes and you may wonder why it is important to do this.  By recognising and being grateful for the joyful things around you, you will begin to gently move yourself into a more joyful state.


If you practice this and make it a daily habit, you will begin to be in a joyful state more often and it will become a natural thought process for you 



A nice way to show yourself some love this St. Valentine’s Day is to release your fears and worries. Enjoy this 5 minute audio teaching which will give you a gentle yet practical and effective way of working through releasing these.

Click below to listen.


Today, focus on 3 short term goals that you have and would like to achieve over the next 6 months. On the 13th of July 2018 what 3 things would you like to have achieved.

When setting these goals remember a few factors.

1. Keep the goals realistic.

2. Allow the goals to be achievable within a 6 month time frame.

3. Think of ways you can achieve these goals and still enjoy yourself.

I would love to hear how you get on.


As we move mindfully through our lives, how we treat ourselves first and foremost is fundamental. By having self-compassion and self-care we can create a life from a place of love and joy. Then, in turn, we can spread the energy outward to those around us and the world we live in.

Enjoy this beautiful 4 minute ‘loving kindness mindfulness meditation’ to increase your self-compassion.  Every Monday for 3 weeks I will be creating a loving kindness mindfulness meditation which will expand on this week on week.

Enjoy by clicking the audio below.



As we are about to begin a new week, it is a good time to focus on how you would like your week to go. No doubt you will have some worry and stress ahead this week. Some of which will be expected and some of which you can’t plan for.

I would like you to write out 3 strong affirmations for your week ahead and focus on them for a few moments tonight. You can also repeat them throughout the week.

For example:

I have a positive, easy week of flow.

I am grounded in myself and am able to deal with anything in a practical and simple way.

Write yours and keep them in your mind.


We spend a lot of time focusing on what we are not doing right, worrying and stressed. It’s easier and more natural for us to lean towards negative thoughts and can feel like an effort to have positive focus. Today, you can make this positivity pledge and focus on it every day.

Negative emotions are useful to show us what is wrong but positive thoughts and emotions and so much more powerful, good for our sleep, our health and our long term happiness.




Simplicity is the key to today’s teaching. Take this moment to take a deep breath in and out and focus in on how you’re truly feeling right now. Don’t judge those feelings, just simply acknowledge them. Our feelings, good and bad indicate to us what’s actually going on and by acknowledging these emotions we tune in to what we need at this time.



It is very easy to focus on all the things in our life that are difficult and stressful. A really quick way to shift your focus and to move into a better feeling state is the Art of Appreciation and the Power of Gratitude. Allowing you to focus on all the good in life.

Today let’s start the process by being thankful for 3 things that surround you. Make a mental note or write them down.

For example, I am grateful for the bus that brings me to work quickly. I am grateful for the blue sky.

Have fun with it and if you can think of more than 3 things, that’s even better.


Listen to this gentle 3 minute audio which will help you learn and use a powerful mindfulness technique to help bring you back into the present moment, which has the added benefits of allowing the mind to rest from busyness and stress. Enjoy!

Click the play button below to listen.


Just Breathe…..listen to and watch this beautiful video which helps you to simply concentrate on your breathing and let the mind relax and be at peace.

Music Credit: Soothing Relaxation by Peder B. Helland

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